Wharfedale Denton vs Diamond 225

I'm looking for a small pair of speakers in the $500 range and these two caught my eye. They are from the same manufacturer and sell for the same price. Anyone with any experience on their sonic differences?
I bought the Dentons for my father for Christmas.  I built a tube amp and am in the testing phase with an 8w tube amp feeding the Dentons. 

I have them set up in a small sunporch (about 7 x 11).  Their sound is really for me.  If you lush, musical and great midrange they are great.  They are not hyperdetailed.  They are not bright.  They have a real cozy sound.  I can't stop listening to them!  And, I have a $20k system in the next room.  Maybe I just needed a change of pace? Who knows?  

But I personally really like this loudspeaker.  My dad had Wharfedales in the house when I was growing up in the 70s-80s.  The Dentons do seem to remind me of that sound.  

It's also possible that they just pair well with EL34 power tubes and 12au7 driver/preamp tubes.  I don't think they are particularly efficient either.    

The build quality is really nice.  My father in law and wife both commented on how nice the walnut cabinet looks.  They are smaller in person than the photographs I saw online.  

I may have some amp, room, speaker synergy going on too that might not translate to different systems.  I'm not sure.  What I can say is this combo is superb. 

8 wpc Elekit TU-8200 with 12au7 and EL34 tube compliment
Tidal Hifi streaming
Wharfedale Dentons
11 x 7 room
Did you ever get to A/B Dentons/225’s?  I’m in the same boat, my local retailer only has the Dentons and 220’s but I haven’t made it there yet. I currently own an old pair of Siefert Maxim III’s and I’m going to bring them to compare. Wondering also if the difference between 220/225 is only bass response. 
No I didn't. I found a pair of Platinum Audio Solos in the Local Craigslist and the owner was even willing to trade for my speakers. The reasoning is he had young children and his wife didn't like stand mounted speakers. I got the Solos with their original stand and in an incredible condition.
All Diamond series speakers sounded a bit unrefined for some music while the Denton clearly sound musical in almost every genre of music, the only thing that the Denton lack is dynamic if go to extreme volume, I would strongly suggest to get the Denton instead of Diamond series, currently I bought a Denton 85th from TAOBAO CHINA which actually solve the dynamic issue I’ve mentioned, but I’m not sure yet to conclude on overall music tonality, as it’s bad timing my Fostex HP-A3 DAC preamp is suddenly not working, I would need to wait for another DAC preamp (it’s Audisnt HUD MX2 or Fostex HP-A4) then only can test out the Denton 2 85th with power amp Class D Audio SDS-400C
+1 on the fact that the Denton lacks dynamics when played very loud.  They are very rich at low to mid-volume, but they start to sound compressed when pushed beyond normal listening levels.
Love mine.