What 2 channel Amp would you Buy for $6k?

I plan on spending no more than $6k for power amp (tube or SS), but would like to hear from others what amp they’d get. I’ve done plenty of research, but honestly, I’m burn’t out and now would like to hear from others.
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whatever you choose, when considering costs, don't forget resale value...the Pass X250.8 bought used will probably not lose much, if any value over the next 2-3 years, while homemade, or lesser known amps may lose much more, and cost you more in the long run...just assuming you won't keep whatever amp you buy forever...
I know this thread is old and you bought the McIntosh MC 501Mono blocks I wonder if you are satisfied with the 501Mono blocks?  I have owned mine for 15 years back then I was driving B&W 802N Speakers and before I bought the Mac's I owned a Krell 600c ,I've been very happy with the McIntosh 501Mono blocks they still sound fantastic! Now I have Sonus Faber Amati Homage speakers with ModWright LS 36.5DM Tubed Linestage a killer combination, it's funny I called McIntosh about replacing the caps the rep told me wait about 15 more years! I asked him about the new 611 he said hang on to the 501Mono blocks there way under rated. Happy listening my friend! 
Well, 3 years later i purchased a pair of Brand New McIntosh MC501's, store demo C2500, NAIM NDX 2/XPS DR (Streaming), and still have my BOSE 901 VI. The speakers are the weakest part of my system, so maybe B&W 800D vs 800D2? What's your thoughts?

Another Pass 250.8 fan here. Great sounding will drive almost anything speaker wise.