What am I missing???

So, every once in a while, I look at all the new systems that people are posting here....WOW! Amazing. And just when I start to feel satisfied with mine, I see these and think, what a pile of junk I have. I've never been to any of the high end shows or even a lot of dealers so, can only imagine how good these sound and wonder if what I'm not hearing is better than what I am.

Anyone else ever have that feeling?
Your system includes some excellent pieces. I think often we have a static view of our systems and changes need not be extreme or costly, some are as simple as moving the equipment to another room (or placed differently in the same room) or finding appropriate isolation or elecrtical conduction. There also may be some simple things you can do if synergy is a question for you. Perhaps listen more at night and get to know your system better without distractions. But don't dispair; think how much poorer life is without music when you want it.
Every time I see pictures of Bill Gates's house, I think I live in a crap house. LOL
everyone is correct dont worry about it just sit back turn off the light and enjoy
No, you are right, you do have a pile of junk. Don't let anyone here convince you otherwise. :)

You are clearly suffering a fixed delusion sometimes referred to as "audionai" pronounced audionoiya. Check yourself into the nearest crisis center Now!