Well, you have a really refined speaker, (I love Rockport Speakers!), so you really should spend more money on a fairly high powered, but really, really good amp.
But, since you are willing to give up some power, you might want to try a Class "A" SET amp from Pass Labs. There is a 60 wpc one for sale on Audiogon for $1,200.
(And no, I have no affiliation with the seller.)
Note, the seller says that the bass response is a bit soft, but given that you're only using monitors, that might not affect your sound, as your monitors are rolled off anyway.
Aleph 5 Amp for Sale
If you're really broke, you could try one of Pass's first designs, A Threshold S/200, which has 100 wpc, (which power wise is a better match, but it is not as good as the Aelph. There is one for sale here on Audiogon too.
My two cents worth.
But, since you are willing to give up some power, you might want to try a Class "A" SET amp from Pass Labs. There is a 60 wpc one for sale on Audiogon for $1,200.
(And no, I have no affiliation with the seller.)
Note, the seller says that the bass response is a bit soft, but given that you're only using monitors, that might not affect your sound, as your monitors are rolled off anyway.
Aleph 5 Amp for Sale
If you're really broke, you could try one of Pass's first designs, A Threshold S/200, which has 100 wpc, (which power wise is a better match, but it is not as good as the Aelph. There is one for sale here on Audiogon too.
My two cents worth.