What amp/amps to drive magnepan 20.1's

Just purchased a six month old set of M20.1's from a dear friend who left oversea's for an open ended work asignment.He had been powering them with a pair of VTL 450 mono's who he had promised to his brother. Question; I have a pair of bryston 7bsst's that i have been hoarding away in anticipation of the comming of my inherritance, and now i feel i can further my debt to income ratio by buying something else.
1.should i buy another pair of brystons and passive biamp ? active biamp with 10b bryston x-over ?
2.Sell the mono's that i have and get some used pass x600's or big mcintosh 1201's ?
3.keep the bryston mono's and put some big tube's on top end with brystons on low freq. with active x-over ?
I have about 8k. until i'm sonic'ly rich but cash poor Please help me before my senses kick in !!!
Wolcott 220m's mono tubes:220 w.p/c and biwired:silver on top and copper for the bass.Tube preamp (BAT is good) and you will be in heaven.Owned all the maggies and you are in for a TREAT.Give the 20.1's at Least 200 + hours to break in.Your speaker wire will now be evident But the tubes will put you in heaven.Wolcotts are THE way to go !!
Welcome to Maggie Heaven and Enjoy !
I recently heard Maggie 3.5s driven by Wolcotts and then by Atma-Sphere MA-1s and a CAT JL2. The differences were astonishing. The Wolcotts weren't even close.
bluebeehive, you must be feeling real confident which amp to go with. 'tis a personal thing: obviously
Glacieraudio:the same $27k Atma's you are trying to unload tonite on auction,as "worldwide master distributor" ? Shame on you Brian ! Wolcott's sell used for $5k.The 3.5's
are as far from the 20.1's as day from nite.The Brystons
are good but try to home demo some tubes b/4 making a decision.BTW the Atma's will heat your whole house and run your electric bill thru your heated roof.They are nice though @ $27k have a Lot of competition.
Hifiman: you might want to check your facts. I am most certainly not Glacier Audio nor in any way associated with them - nor want to be! I became an Atma-Sphere dealer (I'm in the Chicago area) after Ralph Karsten returned to the helm as guiding force and sole owner of Atma-Sphere. In case you haven't noticed, Glacier Audio is no longer distributor of Atma-Sphere, and in fact is no longer a dealer for them! Your prices are wrong: the MA-2s are $33K and have been for a while. But the comparison involved MA-1s, which I stated in my post. And there were three other people besides myself present here: the customer, his friend, and my friend who is a CAT dealer. They spent quite a few hours here listening, so the conclusions weren't hasty.

I should have said I'm an Atma-Sphere dealer, but my earlier post stands. We listened to the amplifiers on both the MG 3.5s and the Sound Lab U-1s, with similar results: no contest!
