What amp are you using with your Gallo 3.1's?

I bought a pair of Gallo 3.1's in September. I am currently using a Response Audio Platinum modified Jolida 502b with KT88/98 tubes, 60 watts per channel. Input tubes are vintage Tungsol and Valvo. I am, for the most part (audionervosa) satisfied with the sound. Timing, rythm, and pace is good, the sound is happy, toe tapping fun. Very musical. I had a Mcintosh 6900 for a cpl of months 200 watts with autoformers. I was dissapointed that there seemed to be no synergy with these two components. The sound was rolled off, flat, and lifeless in my system, in my house. YMMV

I am just curious what other Gallo owners have tried, what worked well, what didn't, and what you are using now.
The 6" brass studs -- four of them -- are screwed into the bolt holes at the bottoms of the speakers (after you remove and discard the existing Gallo bases) and go down through the brass washers and all the way through the 4" maple platform. They're held underneath the maple by flat brass washers and nuts.
Clayton S40 50wpc amp

You can read what I said about the Wyred 4 Sound ST1000 540 wpc amp I have had for the last 4 months with my Gallos, it is in all respects a great amp, and sounds great with the Gallos.

I am sitting in my living room listening to the Clayton S40 50 wpc Class A stereo amp that arrived last week.

Compared directly to the Wyred 4 Sound the Clayton is better at resolving the inner details, the leading edge of the piano, the sound of the fingers on the guitar are much more organic. I have a 1925 Steinway piano just about 15 feet from my listening position. Both amps on piano sound wonderful, the Clayton goes beyond the Wyred 4 Sound in that it not only gets the tone right, it does a better job on the texture, the intent of the musician. The intensity or subtlety of the individuals are more richly portrayed.
There is also better soundtage width and depth by an appreciable margin with the Clayton. The Wyred 4 Sound has more bass punch, but I don't miss it with the Clayton which by comparison seems more balanced. Brass and wind instruments sound similar in tone, both very brassy or woody as required, but the space the Clayton gives to each instrument and singer is superior in creating space and prescence making the percieved image more realistic.

The Clayton S40 50 watt class A amp is a superb match for the Gallos. It is fast, clean, rich, and organic. When the music is soft it is sublime and intimate, so rich with texture, nuance, and detail. With rock and big band the stage is huge and the pace and sense of space is incredible. I have plenty of power for even the loudest (Stevie Ray and Joe Bonamasa) rock cranked up to concert levels.

I am, for now, a very happy camper!