what amp under a grand?

I have vienna acoustic mozart grand marantz sr5005 avr,marantz 8001 sacd,vieanna theatro center,b&w 600s3 for rears,current amp adcom 555mk2.looked at used parasound hca 2003 thx, rotel rb 993, and and an adcom 5802.im fine with the performance the marantz gives me for ht but for two channel sound is muddy. i think its the amp? any advice on a used amp that would bring out the detail of the mozarts?
bel canto 300m, rotel rb 1582, ghent dual mono, mccormack dna 225,adcom 5802,jolida 502p,emotiva xpa 3. whats the best match for my set up?
Maybe none of the above Jughead,

If you are looking to improve the 2 channel sound with your VA Mozart Grands, why are you looking at the amp as the problem? Most likely it is the Marantz AVR that is holding you down. The 2 channel pre-amp sections in AVR's are merely an afterthought - AVR's are designed for multi-channel, digital reproduction first. That means movies and games.

You want better stereo, get a component designed to reproduce stereo!

I suggest you look at a good quality 2 channel integrated amp with a HT Bypass feature so you can use it full time in your surround sound system to drive your VA's. I had a ten plus year affair with HT that always left me wanting more from music reproduction. And my front three speakers are almost identical to yours. The amp wasn't the problem - it was using an AVR as a stereo pre-amp that was.

I finally replaced Parasound theater separates for a Marantz PM15S2 LE integrated and it has taken my 2 channel listening and my VA Bach Grands to new heights. Analog sources, vinyl and CD, are plugged directly into this integrated. Digital sources like cable and Blu-ray are plugged into my AVR. The Marantz drives the VA's all the time; the AVR takes care of the center and surrounds.

In your case, you could still use your Adcom amp to drive the center and surrounds. Hope this is food for thought.
do you have room correction software you're running on your receiver ? if so, try turning it off. had the same problem and now much better with it off. on for surround
i will look into this,makes sense.thank you all for the input, have a lot of food for thought now.