what amplification are you running with your Dynaudio Heritage Specials?

currently running a Supernait3 but would like to try a few other options, at some point will try an AHB2 (or two)  and an Anthem STR integrated

what are you guys using?


It all depends on the room and listening volume, but I wouldn't use the term overkill by any means.  I'd love to see Nelson update their integrated range, and yes to more black models with that blue dial.

I never heard the combo, but had a good customer running his Heritages with a  Sugden A21SE and he absolutely loved the pairing.  

I've been running a Coda integrated for the last 18 months or so, and it's a great combo.  Coda has had a price increase recently, so new will be out of the $5k range but if you can find one used you wont be disappointed.  

Old thread but recently purchased a used demo Gryphon Diablo 120 integrated. I’ve had a pair of Dynaudio Heritage speakers for a few years and have tried pairing them with Luxman, Pass, Rogue, Audio Hungary and Conrad Johnson amps. 

Without question, the Gryphon Diablo 120 is far and away the best pairing. While yes, the Dynaudio Heritages will work with lower watt and lower current amps, they don’t really open up in my humble opinion. That said, once driven with a quality high watt and high current amp, I think you see what the designers intended to realize. 

The Gryphon and HS are a superlative pairing. 

@bluethinker relative to the other amps you’ve tried, is the success of this pairing with the 120 evident at low- to mid-level volume, or only (or mainly) at higher volume levels?