What are some of the better tuners out there?

What are some of the better tuners out there? I am enjoying my Magnum Dynalab MD106T. I find myself at the mercy of reception and clean ac but when all is right the sound is quite nice. I’ve found good results with Amperage tubes but I find tubes too inconvenient in that they burn out too quickly. 
I have an old SAE tuner that I hooked up to use. It worked pulled in every station in the area. Then one day XRT was broadcasting a concert I wanted to listen to. It was a bad weather day and the signal was compromised. I logged into their web page snd clucked on the “listen to” tab. The sound was close to a 100% improvement over the tuner. The tuner does not have hd capability and that was the difference I heard. Tuner is back in box and I onlt stream radio stations now.
"I find myself needing to replace my tubes every 4 months or so and I don’t use my tuner that much."

Clearly that's not normal. You weren't doing that when it was new.

As mentioned in my original post-tuner tubes are  not driven hard. They can last decades. Either you're using inferior tubes or it's an issue with the tuner. 

audioguy85 mentions the Cambridge Audio 500T. I have the 550T as a backup. They are not the caliber you're looking for, but good functional inexpensive SS tuners.

Seek out a Pioneer Elite F-93.  It slayed the Day-Sequerra and the Naim Tuner in its Stereopile review.  The only reason it wasn't given the five star treatment was that it was Pacific Rim sourced and at that time and in that place, Pacific Rim Tuners weren't allowed to be "Five Stars" in their pages.  If you read between the lines it's easy to see what's since become completely transparent "damning with faint praise" because (the old, '90s Pioneer Elite) wasn't funding their advertising revenue gravy train.
there was a log running tuner shootout on the internet.  you can find it by google.  they matched one tuner against the current champion.  had about 75 when i quit reading.  i think  a sansuii was on top.  i had a sansuii tu9900.  it was very good at tuning in stations.  most fun to listen to was a Scott 340b.  but it had constant alignment problems.