If I had to buy Everything New....I couldn't afford it, and I be typing this under a bridge on a nearly dead cell....*L* Or some sort of 'Other' exquisite torture from the spouse....
Rather stay on her Good Side...sometimes it flickers, but still comes back ;)
Lets' see: Bought new, recent history; a purpose-built 'puter, digital crossover, a simple splitter/mixer, a rack to bind them 'in the darkness forever'... 😏
Earlier hist, an eq. and a patch bay....the latter, decades ago.
Some things...you keep them. You may not see the sort again, and if so...
It won't be cheaper. They aren't.
Everything else is either used and bought, or 'gifted'. *S*
The latter has been interesting; some from 'upgrading' by others, some from items audio that came with "...if anyone would appreciate This, it'd be you!"
There's the ones' that stick, tho'....
A Parasound C-4, another pair of crossovers, one very....'obscure'...but much appreciated. *wry S*
A pair of new large Heils', however....not from spouse,,,!
*s* Us 'junkies' gots' to stick together and sometimes stun each other. :)
Run whatcha' brung, and Enjoy, J