What Audio Religion have you converted others to successfully?

We all have certain audio proclivities, some we expose to the world, some we hide even from our priests and psychotherapists.  We believe, strongly, there's a certain way to achieve magic.  A state of enlightenment which raises our awareness almost instantly to resonate with the sacred muses, and may actually transcend music and audio to reach the divine (as opposed to Divine).

In most cases, we share something with a loved one and they're like "um, ok, are still on for fishing this weekend?" but rarely, ever so rarely, the go home, they don't talk to their spouses, their children think there is something wrong, and they call you late at night. "You know that thing you did, with the cables and the vinyl and stuff?  How can I do that too?  Does my spouse need to know? Can I keep things at your place?"

So, my fellow audiophiles, what proclivities do you find yourself championing, and what do you think is an easy vs. a hard sell? Vinyl?  Room acoustics?  Rubbing Portuguese safflower oil on your cables before listening?


My religion is advising people the way i would have been advise here in the first place...

Recommending branded names in audio is fun if you like them, and not completely useless... But...

You know what happens when those pairs of clean-cut young men clad in short-sleeve white shirts come to your front door.
erik_squiresSince I have actually been a psychologist, let me help.
Freudian slip: The doily that Victorian religious nut cases put on piano legs to keep men from being aroused by their erotic curvature. 

Projection:  Claiming you hear some deficiency in someone else's system, when you really worry that the same flaw is in yours.
Obsession:  A perfume that stops up ones nose and ear canals, interfering with the sound.
Transference:  The big, heavy wire wrapped things in your amp that transfer electrons into you filter caps.  This is not projection, which is a psychological issue, not electrical.   
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