What Audio Research preamp would be an upgrade to my LS2B

I am thinking of upgrading from my Audio Research LS2B to another Audio Research preamp. It would have to be substantially better so if any one has any advice it would be appreciated. My other equipment 
is a Mark Levinson 532H Amp and a Audio Research PH3 with a VPI Turntable.
I have a VPI table, the ARC Ref3 and ARC PH7.  The amps can be had for under half price used and while they may be the red haired step children by todays standards, they are extremely good and good value.  I love being able to tube roll the PH7.  

I'll tag on to Audioconnection's comments on the LS 28. I heard it yesterday with the new Foundation Series VT 80 tube amp. Wow, was it good. One of the guys from Audio Research was there and said that he felt the LS 28 was a little better than the Ref 5se. I guess you'd need to take that with a grain of salt since he was trying to sell me on the setup. I've never heard the Ref 5se but I can tell you the LS 28 was very nice. The source was the Ref 9CD and that system with the Wilson Audio Sabrina's was really good. It's got me dreaming big time.
hollytone22---Wait a year and buy the LS28 Mk.2 ;-). It will no doubt "make the LS28 sound broken". Or get an Atma-Sphere Mp3 or Ear-Yoshino 868. Both are available as line stage only or as line & phono stage, so you can ditch the PH3, a dated design.
Thanks for the insight on some of the options that you mentioned.
I will explore my options and see what works best for me.

i had a LS2B as one of my first serious preamps. The upgrade to a ARC SP 16 was a huge jump. The LS2B was a bit dark and rolled off compared to the SP16. Honestly, the LS2B is a dated design with its single bottle that any upgrade will yield sonic benefits, IMHO