Hi Art,
No deal! I am keeping them both. If you search my threads, you will see where I have pontificated on the CAT many times before and even compared it to the F.S. I'll sum it up for you quickly:
1. CAT is warmer and smoother with a more of a "middle of
of the hall" sound.
2. CAT has deeper bass (in my system). See Morgan's
comment about the high impedance F.S. matched with
low impedance Pass Aleph series.
3. CAT's midrange is a little bit more laid back and is
more full, ripe and lush. One thing the First Sound is not is lush. I wouldn't say the CAT has a lot of tube
bloom, but it is certainly more bloomy than the F.S.
4. CAT has the second best dynamics which I have heard in
a preamp. Guess who is first?
5. CAT is less detailed than F.S., but surprisingly has a
lot of high frequency detail to my ear. Although not bright, the CAT will do a great job at the extreme high end in revealing overtones, if the rest of your system is up to the task.
6. F.S. is dead quiet, while the CAT has an almost imperceptible, but still noticeable, high frequency hiss.
7. They are about equal in soundstage.
8. F.S. has better imaging. Definition of boundaries of instruments in the soundstage is better. Placement of instruments in soundstage is more diffuse and more difficult to localize with the CAT.
9. CAT is very clean sonically but has nowhere the transparence of the F.S. Only in direct comparison can you hear the difference in clarity and transparence. As good as the CAT is: neutral, natural and musical, it does not impart the "you are there" quality to the same degree.
Which one you pick will depend on your tastes and,I guess, which best matches the rest of your system. In my opinion, you couldn't have two class A products which sound more different. I am keeping them both!