What Class D amps will drive a 2 ohm load

Just asking.

I see specs into 4 ohms but nothing into difficult speaker loads (like Thiel CS5's).

Thanks for listening, 


George so you are a vendor? I thought you weren’t promoting anything

I manufacture a product that I don’t mention unless asked about.
Doesn’t mean I can’t talk about anything else or suggest other products.
Are you genuinely interested or maybe just ****-stirring.
Wait, so George is Peter?

It all started in 1976 when Peter Stein of “ME Sound” started manufacturing high-quality audio amplifiers in Australia. Sadly in October of 2003 circumstances led to the close-down of manufacturing operations. Since that time they have not left their loyal customers totally in the cold, but have been provided advice and repairs wherever possible, within the resources and time frames available. Many models and units were built during those 26 years and the advice I’ve heard is that they are extremely reliable and serviceable for many years to come.

Notice he says manufactures.  George has never designed a thing in life.  Just resurrected a company from the dead, but it doesn’t appear any have actually been made and sold.  


Ironic that George calls others shills.  Just part of his classic psychological projecting. 
Well you have just made yourself look like a total ?
Read again and take it in, I didn’t say I built Peter’s amps who is a long time mate, and not at all in a good way.
I said it’s what I’m using at the moment, mcreyn get a life, really!!!

Your defiantly not worth the time or effort, I said search and you find out.