Spatine, As I've said I'm a big fan of Nelson Pass but in my experience I think ( and this is just my opinion) Gryphons class A amps are superior for some applications. The Antileon signature is $31,000 the Colosseum is $50.000 and the Colosseum monos are ( I think) $75,000. What makes them more universally useful is that they continue to increase class a power down to 1/2 ohm impedance. ie. 150w/8 ohms, 300w/4ohms, 600w/2ohms, 1200w/1ohm, 2400w/.5ohms. They have 2 power cords and I plug each into a dedicated 20amp outlet. Now in practice they would rarely exceed 600w output but they are impervious to load. This won't matter to people with efficient speakers with benign loads but it mattered to me in my case. That said Pass represents better value and if you don't need the extra oomph then I would go with them. If however you really dig class A but have challenging speakers or money is no object then Gryphon is a better way to go IMHO. This is not a put down of Pass. I really like their electronics and I especially like their people and business philosophy. - Jim