What country builds the best audio equipment?

I remember not so long ago when audio equipment was mainly a home grown product with the exception of Japan here in the U.S. Today it’s a global market with competition from every corner of the world. I use to think here in the U.S was were the best equipment was being built, but now I’m not sure.
Built quality and performance seems to be lacking a little here in the states with few exceptions compared to what’s being produced over seas and up to the north. So what country is the best equipment coming from? Maybe it’s still the U.S, but if pure aesthetics says anything I would say not.
As for Sonics tough to call, maybe still here in the U.S? 
Funny question deserves a funny answer.  England, followed by Great Britain, and then London.  Germany was really good but got bombed out of existence in the marketplace some time ago.  

On a serious note, it's not the country but the gifted individuals in the company that overcome hurdles,  cash flow issues, red tape, parts shortages and moody geniuses to give birth to their creations in spite of it all.  
England, Great Britain, London. When only the finest British crapsmanship will do.
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