What did you replace your Aerial 10T's with?

I've had my 10T's for 9 years, and still think they are pretty great, but am getting the upgrade bug. What I like best about them is that they play loud without strain, have strong low bass, and great dynamics. I'm a drummer - can you tell? However, my wife is a singer, so sweet mids for vocals is also important, and here I think the 10T's are good but not great. So, to the ex-10T owners out there, what did you upgrade to, and how do you you like what you chose? I'm thinking Wilson Sophia's might have the same attributes I like now, just more so, but am still looking for suggestions in that price range.

Describing the Krell as a 'sledgehammer' is not far off, which can be really fun at times for the slam, and my new ARC LS-26 has really smoothed out the hard edges on the softer material.
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It seems to me from your description you are looking for more 'mid-bloom' (but with accuracy and warmer attributes) in your sound, but without losing any of the excellent bass and precision of the 10Ts. I would highly recommend the Tyler Linbrook monitors and a good subwoofer, like a REL Stadium or B2/B3, and I think you will be amazed at the difference without spending more than 5k.
To answer your question directly, I replaced the Model 6's with the Tylers, but have not owned the 10s.