What Difference between Pass X150.5 and X250.5?

Is it just power?
What else would I hear?
Latest in from Nelson Pass:
"The X250.5 and 150.5 differ in power supplies, output stage size, and bias. In these amplifiers
the first few watts are single-end Class A, and they leave push pull Class A at something like
20 watts and 40 watts peak respectively."
Eril, If you live in NZ, I would give Paul a call at PQ imports and see if you can have a listen to a VTL pre-amp if you are not against tube pre's.
Pass Labs are wonderful designed amplifiers, Pass Labs offer a substantial range of amplifiers to match most loudspeakers manufactured today.
If you are looking for a Pass Labs amplifier in New Zealand please contact Parmenter Sound.
Thanks Jason Parmenter.