Please feel free to share any measurements you have made that also confirm your claim; if you choose do do that, please identify the appliance so that we can attempt to duplicate your measurements. These are very easy measurements to make.
Are you familiar with the NEC? IEEE? OSHA?
It amazes me how quickly and loudly some will argue about things that are easily measured. There’s no reason to dispute this stuff. <SMH>
Please read a bit more about amps, dynamic & transient loadsPlease feel free to share any documentation to support your claim that appliances have current requirements in excess of that defined by the manufacturer. That appliances have "dynamic and transient loads" is a given and doesn’t support your claim.
Please feel free to share any measurements you have made that also confirm your claim; if you choose do do that, please identify the appliance so that we can attempt to duplicate your measurements. These are very easy measurements to make.
Are you familiar with the NEC? IEEE? OSHA?
It amazes me how quickly and loudly some will argue about things that are easily measured. There’s no reason to dispute this stuff. <SMH>