What do you use for streaming Classical?

All of the streaming services out there (Tidal, Apple, Amazon, Spotify, Qobuz Pandora etc.) pretty much suck for classical music IMHO except Primephonic and the problem with them is they ONLY do classical and they have no wifi controller app so you are tethered to your streamer and not integrated with the rest of your music collection.
I have it from a reliable source that they will integrate with Roon eventually but what do others out there do in the meantime?
I also hear that PSAudio will be coming out with their own proprietary software that will do Classical properly but it will only run on their server and they have been promising something for several years now.
I tried the Primephonic trial and didn't have any glitches as you report. I agree their choices are immense at least compared to anyone else I have tried - but classical is about 20% of my listening so hard justify Primephonic alone. I would buy them as an additional monthly charge if they were better integrated with Roon or Tidal. They tell me this will probably be the case in a year or so. In the meantime - enjoy!
I think if you listen exclusively or mostly to classical, Roon would offer little benefit but it does integrate your personal digital collection (downloaded or ripped CD's) into their collection if you have some things that they do not.
I understand your issue with how many streaming services display classical tracks and completely agree.
I just switched to Innuos -previously Bluesound- and ended up getting Roon.
Using Qobuz, the Roon app shows detailed track infomation that was lacking in the Bluesound app.- Which is why I ended up using Roon of the Squeezebox app. It is much easier to navigate.
Looking at my Roon app, I see you can direct it to either a folder on your PC or a network drive.
Also, Primephonic is supposed to be adding Roon in the near future.
I must say you have me a little confused here- help me out. As I understand it Squeezebox is music server hardware, Roon is music management software. What are you using as your source of streaming music? You were using Qobuz,
Roon comes with a Tidal subscription. you refer to a folder on your PC or network drive but that would just be for your own digital files.
The Roon subscription is for Roon alone. It does not automatically include Tidal or any other streaming service. (In fact, you could use Roon to manage nothing more than one's own local collection of music files.)  

Roon plays nicely with the Squeezebox  players, whether one of the original devices such as the Touch or one of the current Raspberry Pi Squeezelite players. Roon replaces the Logitech Media Server software.  

Full disclosure, I tried Roon for a month. It was quite nice but I didn't feel it was worth the price.  I still use the Logitech Media Server.    

Finally, I use Qobuz. It integrates nicely with LMS and my own collection. I have no problem finding and enjoying the music I like, which includes a substantial amount of classical.
@mlsstl ,
Thanks for the summation. Spot On.
As I said, I am using Roon with my Innuos-which is a streamer that accepts Roon. and Squeezebox.
Squeezebox is quite competent, but Roon takes it further- smoother interface that has track details, and also an AI 'recommends list' like Spotify (which I found very good).
Which one should you choose?
-Only your hairdresser knows for sure.

Pre-1980's members should just Google that reference...