What equipment do you most regret parting with??

Any audio equipment from speakers to phono stages...what do you wish you never gave up?
I will miss...

Conrad Johnson Premier 14 It had a beautiful sweet sound.

Tandberg 3014a an awesome machine

Marantz 10b Incrediable musical instrument
The only piece o equipment I regret selling was my Portal Panache. If that thing had a remote control I'd be listening to it now. Cmon Mr. Abrams.
My dad sold off his old McIntosh tube equipment without even thinking of giving it to me. Does that count? A nice C22 preamp, a MC240 amp, and some Bozak speakers. Yeah, I'd like them back!
I shall never forgive myself for parting with my Audio Research SP10 MKII !! The phono section had a sonic signature that "lured" you into long hour listening sessions!!

I find myself sometimes falling into "audiophilic depression" lamenting over it's absence.

That soon goes away when I remember how much it cost to "retube" that puppy!

But it still remains as my "long lost lover"!!