What ever happened to....

VPI Magic Bricks?
I still use four of them, and there is someone on usaudiomart trying to sell 8 of them for $500.00. That's grossly overpriced of course considering that they are old and the original price was $35 - $40 each.
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I sold my VPI brick about 20 years ago. I was hoping it would reduce transformer hum in my amplifier. It didn't.
@mike_in_nc :   "It didn’t."           It wasn’t designed/intended to.
I have used them for over 30 years.  Yes, they do the job they were designed to do.   I use 3 in my system.  In my secondary system, I use one to hold a lightweight DAC in place.  The power cord and interconnects which are all audiophile approved and stiff was pulling the DAC right off the rack.  The Magic Brick took care of it and it looks pretty cool too.  When I bought the 4 bricks, I paid $50.00 each.  This is one tweak that actually works and I have never been sorry.  I polish them with “Pledge” every 2 weeks and they still look brand new.