What happened to those dreaded 1099 forms we were going to receive from Paypal?

So, who received a 1099 form from Paypal that everyone was dreading and caused so many to change how they would receive payment? I'm quite curious as I didn't receive one. Didn't know what topic to use so I chose the one with most traffic.

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the house of Representatives is reconsidering the $600 threshold...it's on hold at the IRS and probably won't be implemented this year if at all

"third-party settlement organizations will not be required to report tax year 2022 transactions on a Form 1099-K to the IRS or the payee for the lower, $600 threshold amount enacted as part of the American Rescue Plan of 2021. remember, let's attribute this nonsense to who was in power in 2021


The companies with all the money (E, P) made some well placed campaign contributions and all is good.  

@superdryb20 Are you talking about for the 2022 tax year or 2023?  The IRS delayed the $600 threshold to 2023.  Are you saying the current House is looking at the threshold and where did you hear that?