What hooked you to audio?

I was 16 and my sister got married. All I had in my room was an AM radio, but when sis got married I grabbed her room because it was bigger.

She had a Panasonic stereo system- combo turntable and receiver, which she left. I had no records but I started to listen to FM- WPLJ in NY. Oh, I got hooked- Queen, Chicago, etc. I realized I needed a decent hifi. I bought records at Alexander's and Korvettes

A friend- a year older, already discovered hifi and through him I learned about what I thought was an incredible system- a Dual table, Marantz receiver, and KLH speakers.

Then I discovered Tech Hifi. Their catalogs were eye opening. Yes, the Dual was nice, but the Thorens seemed real nice. The Marantz seemed nice, but the Mac stuff seemed real nice. Likewise, the KLH's seemed nice, but those Ohms with the Walsh driver seemed real nice.

This was all in the 2nd half of the 70's.

My first good table was a Thorens. I have a pair of Ohm F's in my garage. I once owned a Marantz 22 something for a short period of time.

Some deep and lasting hook!
Music has some sort of hypotonic effect on me. Because of that, the better it sounds, the more "addictive" I am of it. Searching for the ultimate sound is a lifelong journey. For me the $64,000 question is, "Can one be 100% satisfied with their gear?" For me the answer is "no", as I can always find something I want to upgrade to.

I'm like a coke addict, but this is legal! :)
My first visit to a Hi Fi shop . Hi Fi Heaven .
B&W 801 matrix series 3 speakers behind 20 000 dollars of electronics . The cd was Flim and the BBs Tricycle .
I now have 2 copies of that CD . Dateline mid 80s
I remember pressing my nose up to the window at Stereo Exchange in NYC, finally (after a couple of visits) walking in and drooling at the used stuff along the front wall.

At about the same time, my sis dated a guy who worked at a high end audio dealer and invited us to his house to check out his rig. I could not tell you anything about the system (I did not like his choice of obscure classical music) except he had Dalhquist Speakers (awesome experience to have heard them back then) but what really blew my mind was his Sony tonearm (I remember clearly he said Sony) and it was under a cake cover. The arm was the most incredible thing I had ever seen. Hooked? Drugs have not had the effect audio has had on me.