What interconnects work best with Audio Research?

Hi everyone, need some advice on what interconnects work best with
Audio Research gear, XLR type preferably. I really like the warm tube sound.

-Ref 1

I have owned ARC amps, pre's, players and dacs, and have been loyal to the brand for near 30 years.
I have tried many cables, including ARC's orginals to the many types of Toshiba, Van den Hul, Cardas, Kimber,Nordost and have settled on JPS Aluminata for interconnects, JPS Aluminata for the amp & phono power cords and Nordost Brahma for pre, and c.d. power cords.
The cables which JPS produce seem to that special synergism with tubes amplification.
My neighbor uses Cardas in his AR system. Neutral Reference, Golden Reference are the main ones but also has Golden Presence, Golden Cross. Sweet sounding system.
Buy a used pair of Cardas Golden Cross. They worked well with my Audio Research preamp. They will provide good soundstage and detail are somewhat cooler than the Cardas Cross which I think you would find to be too warm.
Most AR stuff needs something warm and a bit colored so I agree with the MIT,Cardas Golden,Transparent.
Stay away from some of the revealing cables Stealth,Nordost,etc as they will enhance the leaness and congestion in some AR stuff