Hi. I just bought B&W 802N. And I'm using MF-A3.2cr. Should I get a more powerfull MF or Krell. I can list my amp for sale and get more power. Looking for used one, and want to spend $2k on 2ch amp. THANKS.
I have the 802's and have gone from a Conrad Johnson Sonograph to a CJ 2500 and now use a Mcintosh 352 and the speakers have come alive. Power rules with these speakers and the Big Mac sound is a terrific match.
Parasound HCA-3500 is like an older version of the JC-1's. It drives my 802N's really well. Pay attention to the preamp, as well. I got an Audio Research LS16 MkII, and wow... Don't mess with solid state preamps....these babies want to breathe.
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