All passive components sound the same i.e. a resistor is a resistor, a capacitor is a capacitor, wire is wire, etc... So long as all parts used are within a specific tolerance, they should all measure the same electrically. Since test equipment is FAR more sensitive than the resolution that our ears offer, the pursuit of "better sound" through more expensive "parts" is strictly snake oil and salemanship at its' finest.
Wait a minute. Disregard all of that hogwash. Somehow, the ghost of Julian Hirsch ( or was it Peter Aczel ??? ) somehow took over my thought process and bodily functions. Luckily, one of my cats came by and scared the evil spirits away. As you know, evil spirits are afraid of cats ( just watch "The Mummy" if you don't believe me ). Luckily, no permanent damage or "full time possession" occured.
Honestly though, i know that Ohmite was working on some "audiophile grade" resistors a while ago. Don't know if they ever came to surface or not. Dave B ( who used to be an Asylum regular ) and Jon Risch were working on the design. Might be worth checking into, even if it ends up a dead end. Sean
Wait a minute. Disregard all of that hogwash. Somehow, the ghost of Julian Hirsch ( or was it Peter Aczel ??? ) somehow took over my thought process and bodily functions. Luckily, one of my cats came by and scared the evil spirits away. As you know, evil spirits are afraid of cats ( just watch "The Mummy" if you don't believe me ). Luckily, no permanent damage or "full time possession" occured.
Honestly though, i know that Ohmite was working on some "audiophile grade" resistors a while ago. Don't know if they ever came to surface or not. Dave B ( who used to be an Asylum regular ) and Jon Risch were working on the design. Might be worth checking into, even if it ends up a dead end. Sean