What is the Best Sounding Stand Mount Speaker in the world?

Price no object.

Brand and Model is adequate.

If you have not listened to it,  please restrain yourself.


I raise this question because there is a maker claiming

to be the best. I am curious if it will garner votes. 

Conclusion out tomorrow!! 

Stay tuned!!!



The choice is so subjective, and the defining factor is the ROOM.... (room and system synergy).

The Borresen 01's seem to be the consensus winner here, a speaker that I never have listened to.  I am surprised that the Focal Diablo Utopia III's have been nominated for that category of the "best ever."  I had them and they are great speakers, especially with a tube amp, but the "best ever,"  . . .? The Joseph Audio Pulsars, another speaker that I have owned, is a fantastic well-rounded stand mounted speaker, but I would put them in the same league with the Focal's.  A different sound between the two, both enjoyable.  Maybe I'm just jaded now regarding what the "best" stand mounted speaker should sound like . . .