At least with a preamp, there are ways of acertaining just what it is doing in your system, if you can directly plug one of your sources into your power amp (don't try this before you have an idea how loud any particular recording will play in your system without attenuation, or unless your CD playback is equipped with its own volume control).
The most difficult thing to know what to do about when it comes to upgrading is cartridges, in my experience. There is almost never a good way to comparitively audition these - or often even any way to audition them at all. You're usually at the mercy of recommendations and reviews.
The most difficult thing to know what to do about when it comes to upgrading is cartridges, in my experience. There is almost never a good way to comparitively audition these - or often even any way to audition them at all. You're usually at the mercy of recommendations and reviews.