I've heard many $100K+ (just table) setups, and they did sound every dollar invested.
"freshly wet cleaned & vacuumed
heavy pressing of "Kind of Blue" "
Not exactly the "best" representation.
Perhaps a pristine 59 press would have been closer to the "truth."?
The thump is operator error- volume knob/mute should be engaged when dropping the needle.
If one doesn’t hear the difference, then your CD/digital setup is proper.
A "premium" setup LP setup deserves an A1 period press to fully experience the WOW!
Just my take.
I get reasonably close with a $10K setup, and of course, the best period press LP’s available. More convincing the typical "great" digital/CD playback.
Original press is the only way to play with LP’s if you listen to music pre 1980 or so.