My office system, for a small room, is now done after about cycling through 10 amps, 4 preamps, 6 DACs, 2 speakers in the last 2 years. I listen to this system all day while I ’work’:
- Magnum Dynalab 108T tuner
- Accuphase T-101 tuner (modded)
- Musetec 005 DAC
- Sony SCD-1 SACD player modified by Vacuum State to Level 5+
- Benchmark LA4 preamp
- Benchmark AHB2 mono amps
- KEF LS50 Meta + KEF KC62 sub
- Audience FrontRow speaker cables, Audience Au24 SE RCA and XLR, and Benchmark XLR between preamp and amp
I know this is end game in the office, because it sounds the best to me compared to all the other gear I had in there. Almost all the other gear cost more money.
In my office I have a great headphone system. I am done for now. If RAAL comes up with something better in the next decade I will upgrade to that.
- RAAL SR1a earphone and CA-1a headphone
- RAAL VM-1a headphone amp
- Benchmark DAC3B
This is end game because it is incredible sounding. I am not a headphone expert, but I think I have the best headphones and amp at ANY price. The comparison is based on the comments on Head-fi on the RAAL vs other TOTL headphones.
My Livingroom system is also done but not completely purchased. The only thing I have for that so far is the Musetec 005 DAC. Everything else is figured out but either too expensive or not yet released.