What is your most anal audio habit?

Another "most" thread. What is your most anal (but meaningless) audio habit? I know most of you are anal by the condition of the used items listed in these classifieds!

I am embarrassed to say that I save all the plastic wraps off new CDs and box sets because they have that little sticker saying what was on the album.
A record store taught me a trick for opening new CDs.

You pry off the bottom left hinge with your fingernail so the front plastic cover detaches from the rest of the case. Then you pull the whole front cover around and over the top -- the protection sticker comes off with one stroke because you're pulling with the plastic cover, not just part of a tiny strip.

You can crack the CD cover's hinge trying to pry it open (or putting it back), but sometimes you're walking out of the store and just *have* to listen to the CD right away in your car or on your discman.
lol....i hate the residue on cd cases as well. my biggest habit, which is a good one, is to always use the remote. i rarely touch my gear.

o, another one is to always use the stop button. God did not create the eject button to replace the stop button.
Abstract I agree!!!! I do the same thing. If you can find them the best cases are the mobile fidelity cases. They release the dvd when you open them so you dont have to pry them out.
Rlwainwright . . . just wondering what tools you use to make sure that the CDs are PERFECTLY straight. I've tried several laser products and none has been satisfactory.
I don't mind to spend 4 to 5 hours to get up, adjust my tonearm VTA, sit down, listen for any difference in sound quality, and then get up, adjust, sit down,listen, and...You get the idea.