What monos for revel

I know it's been discussed here a lot buy I'm wondering what's a good set for revel salon 1s I have currently a krell ksa 300s and it's just not there for me so I'm looking. Also I have been told to try tube amps but I was under they impression they aren't good for the revels .thanks 
Check out Quicksilver.  Huge bang for the buck.  I love my Mid Monos , they have been faultless for 8 years ....   

Depending on tubes the QS V4 puts out something like 170 watts
Jeff Rowland uses Salons at his listening room. Much more musical than Krell. 
Get the Carver crimson 350s’
dont look back!

 Sanders Magtech amp. 
Or keep an eye for a used Sunfire  300 or 600.