What other hobby...

has has an infinite number of variables like this one?
Photography can be a never ending pursuit of hardware, software, and and infinite sequence of layers.  I have been doing it asa hobby for over 60 years--about as long as I have been pursuing that "most satisfying" sound.
You think audio can be expensive 
Track days in my old Porsche 944 Turbo S
But I love it!!!!!
All of the above. 1500 bottle wine cellar, frequent tastings, bottle variation even with the world's finest crus of same producer and vintage, many more vagaries in viticulture than audio engineering. And let's please not even mention any aspect of human relations, which are not, ahem, "hobbies." But tweaking an audio system can take forever, as the Nth degree recedes endlessly, "boats against the current." Unless you're millercarbon, who has got everything right, a fact I acknowledge with the greatest respect and admiration. What's left after that but to read The Brothers Karamazov in Russian, Tale of Genji in Japanese, Proust in French?