what percentage of us really knows sound

Hi,been in audio preatty much all my live,play a few instruments myself, and it is chocking to me how many people in this hobbie, because they have a few Hi end gear
think that they can discern sonic diferences,or that their system sounds amazing, when 80% of time when I' listen to those fellows system, the sound is horrible, I'm talking about systems in the upper $50000, and this people come out, talking about soundstage, inner detail, and layers of sound cascading thru a huge soundscape, another thing is that, I'thought all this audiophile people where a group of well to do business people, that had money to speare,
when the truth is that most of audiophile people are broked
and dont' have their priorities toghether, been at many many, audiophile people's house, and it is sad, people with, high end systems, and no furniture,just bought a pair of speakers, $11000 retail and an Aiwa,component has more BASS THAN this speakers, affter spending more than $2500, on cables,think someone is taking advantage of the audiophile community
I’m guessing I’m one of those that can’t tell a good sounding system from a clock radio… but I really don’t care because I’m thrilled with the way my system sounds.
this thread reminds of the time I was at a friends house who had a high end ATC system (which sounded very good) but I mentioned to them that I had recently listened to a live violin that was a few feet away and how rich and dynamic it sounded and how our stereos do not capture much of the true quality. One of the guys started pulling out CDs with violins and playing them, as if to impress me, I stopped talking about the live violin as I think I offended him or maybe he imagined he was going to educate me I do not know, but I agree with Ivor Tiefenbrun from Linn that we really only capture about 15% of the live event.

Frankly I agree there is a lot of truth in what you say Juan. I do think it is easy to loose sight of the goal and get sidetracked in the minutiae of detail and soundstage etc...

Hey! we could start a SS vs tube post! vinyl vs digital!

Another interesting phenomenon in audio is the higher the price, the less one can criticize it. It is almost as if price by itself makes something legit. And of course, there are reviewers who will lavish praise on any component that breaks new boundaries in price. Heck, some reviewers will begin to talk about how great an expensive component will sound, before it is even released!

I still hold on to a dimly held belief that people, if they got together, listened, and discussed openly, could actually agree on what constitutes the best sound. There should seem to be systems that would get universal respect and praise on achieving high marks across the board.

Sure, some people like chocolate and some people like vanilla. But, I think people could agree on what is great chocolate ice crease and what is great vanilla ice cream.
This isn't exactly earth shattering news. Spending money on audio equipment does not validate one's musical knowledge anymore than spending money on an education validates one's intelligence. I've heard very expensive systems that did not sound very good and I know folks with many degrees who aren't very bright. I know some who have fancy cars who aren't good drivers and some (like me) with expensive golf clubs that suck at golf.

So what's the point? If someone buys something that makes them happy, who are you or I to rain on their parade? Live and let live.

many of you make excellent points.i to have listened to systems that i thought sounded terrible but the owners thought was audio nirvana.and i agree the simpler a system is kept, the more oportunity for a better sound.i dont think it is that audiophiles dont know how to listen.it is how they go about setting up their systems.some like home theatre systems.some like me are two channel analog freaks.when setting up my current system my 1st priority was stereo separation.i wanted most of my lower frequencies on the left side ,most of the highs on the right.all recordings and formats we have are two channel.note all recordings are not equal so perfection is out the window.sonic clarity was next priority.last was sources and tweaks.i picked my speakers 1st.then my amps.then my sources.most recently i chose the replacements for my stock power cords.AS FOR PAYING ATTETION TO REVIEWS I DONT.NOR DO I BELEIVE SPENDING 5000.00FOR A SET OF CABLES IS NECESSARY. LET YOUR EARS LISTEN , LET YOUR SPIRIT ENJOY. AND LET YOU COMMON SENSE GUIDE YOU.AND I THINK TOU WILL BE HAPPY WITH THE RESULTS.