@jaytor Yeah, I have always had concerns about the EQ. But some form of EQ is needed to help tame some of the FR variations from the room.
I have traps which are very effective. I don't need more, except for the floor to ceiling mode. But the "rules" prevent me from doing that. I have worked very hard at positioning the speakers and the sub to get the best FR, but there are still +/- 6 dB variations in the bass. I am restricted to near the present locations. I have tried a miniDSP Flex. It doesn't affect the time domain at all and is barely better than the analog EQ. I ditched that. And I enjoy the idea that I have an all analog signal path (except for the CD/DVD and music files).
So the dBx EQ is a somewhat "necessary" evil. I could live without it, but the engineer in me strives to have as perfect FR and TR (Temporal Response) as I can manage to obtain.
The XO does a very good job, far better than the Rane I once used. I don't like the idea of running the f208s full range and band limiting the woofer. However I haven't tried this in a while. Might be worth a shot.
Are you aware of any reviews on the Sublime XO?
Very helpful advice. Thanks.