What reviews do you trust if any?

With all the reviews and reviewers out there saying positive things about the latest 'gee whiz' audio item, do you find any of them to be reliable?
How many grains of salt do you need to take with the reviews?
I also like the 6 Moons review approach.Good pictures,clear detail concerning,design,built quality and the designer`s objectives. They consistently make comparisons to competitor components and are willing to criticize when needed.

I like Jack Roberts at Dagogo.He places priority on musical values and the emotional- natural presentation of components.
I always review the technical aspects of the review to see if the equipment is performing as the designer intended and is also performing as is should based on what it is. I'm not going to purchase any equipment that has rediculous distortion or if the specifications are well outside the norm for such equipment. I don't trust at all any equipment reviewer's thoughts on how they feel a piece of equipment sound. I have noticed that most reviewer's play around with other equipment in their system, their cables, power cords, etc. instead of either 1) connecting the equipment in their system as the manufacturer originally intended or 2) simply swapping the equipment like for like without playing with anything else. They also are very good at using terms and phrases in their reviews and never bother to define the terms or phrases and what they are talking about. They to me are making up elaborate terms or phrases simply to make themselves looks educated or smart. I have no problem with that, but please define the words and phrases your are using, so we know what the heck you are talking about. I trust my ears. I don't purchase an unknown piece of equipment without hearing if first in my system. And I only swap like for like and listen first to the differences. I also will do A/B comparisons often during my demo to make sure I hear and notice differences if any. I have read many reviews of equipment and listened to the equipment also and found my opinion was totally different than the reviewer's. Also, when manufacturers loan or give or sell equipment for less to the reviewers, that may slightly bias the reviewers opinion.
I prefer reviews from the users on A-gon. Luckily there are plenty of engineers, techs, and hi-fi old-timers that have wonderful knowledge to share..
For me the reviewers I trust are:

The people over at Stereomojo
The Part-Time Audiophile Scot Hull
A'gon Member: Ferrari
certain writers/reviwers from 6Moons.

I do take all reviews with a grain of salt though especially if it is from a magazine. To Tbromgards point if I do see a bunch of glowing reviews in different areas for a specific item I'll take that as a good sign as well
In addition to equipment that is the subject of a review, I take notice of any equipment that is included in the "associated equipment" of several different reviewers. Also, if a particular review is more than 6 months old, I am interested if the reviewed piece is still part of the associated equipment listed in a current review from that reviewer.