What's after Supratek

Well, I've got a nice chunk of change saved for an upgrade to my rig. I'm wondering what it'd take to knock my Supratek Syrah (with all NOS tubes) off it's perch.

I need a remote. Would prefer an integrated MC phono stage, but would consider a separate line/phono if the price wasn't too much out of my league.

Budget is $5000 used. I'm leaning towards a VAC Renaissance (not the sig. version), but is this just a sideways move?
Judy, while Fiddler assumes my answer, I had hoped that others would not.

Once and hopefully for the last time, I am not a dealer for either Exemplar nor for H-Cat; I have never received any piece of either's equipment for free, nor have I, with one exception, received any equipment at cost. The exception was for the first developmental Exemplar preamp.

While Fiddler cannot believe it, I have had the good fortune to know John Tucker and Roger Paul for many years. In both cases I have, at both of their requests, pointed out problems that I have had with their components. I have in effect been a beta tester. In both cases, certainly not due to my input alone, these components have evolved into exceptional units.

While both of the H-Cat components that I use, the line stage and the phono stage are exceptional and I am quite satisfied with their performance, as I have posted, I have never heard the amp and may never hear the amp. In the case of Exemplar, I bought the first pair of a their speakers but sold them long ago. I have bought several versions of his amps, but presently have none. The only pieces I have now are the Denon 3910 universal player mod. and the somewhat bastard Revelation line stage which has the new output boards in the boxes of the old parafeed line stage. It is, of course, my simple suggestion of the Revelation II that started all of this nonsense. I never even suggested that the Exemplar was competitive with the H-Cat, although I do think it is quite good.

I am firmly of the opinion that the H-Cat line stage is unrivaled. The H-Cat phono may also be, but there are others out there that may equal it. The Exemplar/Denon 3910 I know is surpassed by the Reimyo CDP777 which plays only redbook. This all may change with a new modification that John is doing to my unit now.

I post on AA and Audiogon out of enthusiasm or because of questions ask. I really learn of new products through another network of friends, who all think I am crazy to bother to post. Maybe they are right but I have met some fine people here and there.

Not that anyone needs to vouch for him, but (tbg) is not a shill for either Exemplar or H-Cat. I purchased one of those Exemplar amps from him about 2 yrs ago. I've also met him in person at CES & VSAC shows and have had numerous conversations with him about many things audio. It's obvious he's been in this hobby a long time and has a ton of experience with components & systems. Yes, he knows many people in the audio industry but I don't perceive any motive other than finding the most musically satisfying components for his system. I truly believe he call's it like he see's it. I don't understand why others have it out for him. He is a gift to AA & Agon.
I think some of the problems arise because of perceived personal attacks that come up in these threads. Instead of many people discussing and listing their preferences and opinions,one person inevitably attacks the character of someone else and we're off to the races. It doesn't help that this level of equipment costs so very much with the reality of a lot of ego will be involved. Now to be fair,Tbg to me is looking to get discussions going,he has and will use some phrases that to some,could seem imflammatory. When you ask whether there's any other pre in the world that can compare,or,how do they manage to sell XYZ brand(the buyers must be idiots!),I think anyone can honestly see how these things blow up. Talented people with a lot of experience and money aren't going to back down,they didn't get to where they are without learning how to fight back. The important thing is to take anything you read with a grain of salt and trust your own ears.
Thanks for posting your findings,much appreciated. Keep them coming.