What's after Supratek

Well, I've got a nice chunk of change saved for an upgrade to my rig. I'm wondering what it'd take to knock my Supratek Syrah (with all NOS tubes) off it's perch.

I need a remote. Would prefer an integrated MC phono stage, but would consider a separate line/phono if the price wasn't too much out of my league.

Budget is $5000 used. I'm leaning towards a VAC Renaissance (not the sig. version), but is this just a sideways move?

Not that anyone needs to vouch for him, but (tbg) is not a shill for either Exemplar or H-Cat. I purchased one of those Exemplar amps from him about 2 yrs ago. I've also met him in person at CES & VSAC shows and have had numerous conversations with him about many things audio. It's obvious he's been in this hobby a long time and has a ton of experience with components & systems. Yes, he knows many people in the audio industry but I don't perceive any motive other than finding the most musically satisfying components for his system. I truly believe he call's it like he see's it. I don't understand why others have it out for him. He is a gift to AA & Agon.
I think some of the problems arise because of perceived personal attacks that come up in these threads. Instead of many people discussing and listing their preferences and opinions,one person inevitably attacks the character of someone else and we're off to the races. It doesn't help that this level of equipment costs so very much with the reality of a lot of ego will be involved. Now to be fair,Tbg to me is looking to get discussions going,he has and will use some phrases that to some,could seem imflammatory. When you ask whether there's any other pre in the world that can compare,or,how do they manage to sell XYZ brand(the buyers must be idiots!),I think anyone can honestly see how these things blow up. Talented people with a lot of experience and money aren't going to back down,they didn't get to where they are without learning how to fight back. The important thing is to take anything you read with a grain of salt and trust your own ears.
Thanks for posting your findings,much appreciated. Keep them coming.
Don't start wth me. It's a shame this thread has been hijacked away from it's original theme in an apparent attempt to start yet again another H-Cat versus Supratek skirmish. Tbg,something you might want to remember is that unlike yourself,and,I wager,virtually everyone reading the H-Cat/Supratek threads,I actually own both a Syrah,and an H-Cat. No "I heard the latest version at a friends",no "I listened to a few cuts",none of that crap. I HAVE BOTH,HERE AND NOW!!! Your words which I added to and paraphrased,were from a thread which was deleted by the moderators. You,and I,know what you said. "Listen to an H-Cat,and you'll wonder how they can ever sell Suprateks". Not a Syrah,the lowest model,but "Suprateks". Inflammatory at best. Perhaps your goal? You perhaps can't stand the success of an "inferior" product? Can't stand the fact that Bwhite and Fiddler have the nerve to question you? You have done an excellent job of advertising an excellent line of products,let people listen and make up their own minds. If it's to be,it will be. What people need to hear is how you maximized your set up to get the most out of the H-Cat,not petty arguing. What does it prove in the end?