What's going on with the audio market?

Recent retail sales reports are very bad and I am hearing that sales for audio equipment have been nonexistent over the past few months.  I also see more dealers putting items up for sale here and on other outlets.  Even items that have traditionally sold quickly here are expiring without being sold. 

To what would you attribute the slowdown?  Have you changed your buying habits for audio equipment and, if so, why? 
1-Y here. I suppose that constitutes having met my military obligation. I showed up at the physical and did everything that was asked of me. 
Fact is I was hit in the left eye by an errant rock while in high school and have had a blind eye ever since 1963. No regrets about being rejected though. 

63, 47, 2

I've had a receiver-based stereo system since I was in college.  I bought my first separates at the age of 47 when I was at the apex of my earning power.  During my journey, I've certainly discovered the fact of diminishing returns in audio.  I also discovered the value of the used audio market where outstanding buys can be found.  I've got a couple of more years left in me to buy stuff.  Even then it will be an upgrade to a pre-owned item.  It's comforting to know that current new outstanding components will still sound astounding in ten years...and they will be available at great prices.
People are becoming a computer dependent digital race. It's a brain damage if you ask me, no doubt.
But there are still many who appreciate natural things including good sound. Problem is that they are losing the power of influence to counteract this degeneration tendency.
One day all this is going to blow the hell up, I guess.

I could add that even when I have some funds for an upgrade, I don't do it, just not in the mood. Perhaps I have a slight brain damage too without really knowing it.