What’s in your system today that you also had 10 years ago?

For me, it’s only my turntable, an LP 12, though I did have a Kore installed in 2015 so it’s not quite what it was 10 years back. 
Sunfire 300x2 (fully restored).  Still looking for something under $3000 that's better.  Haven't found it but I'll keep looking.
Almost everything.  Rega P2. Creek OBH-8 phono stage. Odyssey Tempest pre- and Stratos Plus amp. Ah Tjoeb CD player. Symphonic Line Legato speakers. All purchased new around 17 years ago and working great. Also pair of Rogers LS3-5A I bought in '77. And an Audionics amp from 1980. Mostly on the side lines but sound great when I bring them out.
CRAP.... NOTHING.  Does that mean I have a problem?  Ha ha ha!  Sold all of my Emotiva Amps and have been playing around with other stuff.  Now have a Parasound Halo A21 and JC2 preamp but an Adcom 575 SE is coming soon to try out.  Lots of Wharfedale high end speakers around too.  Yamaha SACD player is my favorite.  Nothing from ten years ago.  Sold my Klipsch speakers and Yamaha Receivers.
Hales Concept 3's
Classe' CDP.5
Transparent cables
...various Rotel and B&W surround sound 

My 10 gauge speaker wires, and my checkbook.  LOL!  I just retired and did a total make over of my system.  Very happy with the results, should last me a long time.
Just about everything.
Classe DR6 pre amp
Classe DR-9 2 amps running as mono blocks
B&W 801 Series 2
Velodyne ULD15
Sony 7700 DVD ( used for audio )
PS Audio DAC

ESS AMT Monitor speakers
Shure VI5 type 3 (different turntable)
Sony 400 CD changer
Original Kef 105 for the past 26 years
Mission 774 arm 30 years
Garrard 401 10 years
Revox A77 2 track 20 years
a Lot: Sony TAE86b pre, Bryston 4b ST, Stoet 2 300b monoblocks, Michell Gyrodec, SME 309 arm......
My Basis Ovation turntable, my VPI HW16.5 record cleaning machine, my Merrill Stable Table and my Seakay Line Rover.  I had to downsize when I moved 4-1/2 years ago or there would be more that stayed the same.
Thorens TD 160 Super
Magnepan Unitrac Arm (Still looking for what I want to replace it with)
Shure M91 ed (also M97eX but don't use much)
Oppo DV 980 H
2 pairs larger Advents stacked just put back in

My ears.

yes, they need upgrading but I’m afraid my age is outpacing medical advancement. 
VPI HW-19 MK IV with Eminent Technology II tonearm and Monster Cable Sigma Genesis 2000 cartridge, resting on a Black Diamond Racing The Shelf for the Source on a five shelf SolidSteel rack. Money very well spent 20 years ago.  Also have Infinity Prelude PF-R speakers with matching center and surround speakers in my home theater system. All drivers have been refoamed except the woofers.
In my main system, only a pair of Stax SR44 earspeakers, a Shure V15 RS and a Thorens TD-180 I keep for playing 78s.
In the Den: Nakamichi Receiver 2, Sony DVP-900H is still connected; but rarely sued since I got a used Oppo DV-980h.
Not in use, but can't let go: Boston Acoustics T-830 and Genesis Physics Model 7 speakers.
I keep a lot of my gear around even if it is in 2nd or 3rd systems.

I have 3 Classe DR3 VHC amps and a DR7 preamp in use, the Vendetta phono stage in my main system and the Koetsu Urushi/SME V and VPI TNT have all been with me that long, and the Vandersteen 4A speakers in my second system have been with me for many years.

The Sota Cosmos/SME V/ Lyra Clavis in the upstairs system has been with me longer than that as well.
How could I forget that I’ve had my Musical Fidelity kW 500  for 15 years!! Seems like yesterday!
For me - nothing!  Oh, forgot, I still have Kimber Kables to my main speakers.
B&W 802s and Sonic Frontiers Line 3 pre-amp! The SF3 was completely updated last year at the Parts Connexxion...
Music Hall CD-25 the first model purchased here long ago.
Modded the opamps to 627s.
Still running great after many years.
15+ years......Sunfire Cinema Grand, B&K 7250 amp, Pioneer DV-47A SACD/DVDA player, B&K ref 50, Rotel 990. just picked up the Opoo 205 to replace the Pioneer, a panasonic Bluray player and Rotel. they have all served me well! the Sunfire did go in for repairs 1x. Too bad the original B&K folks aren't still in business, they made some fine equipment
Not a single thing!
though I went through a hifi growth spurt when the dollars were flowing like wine around 2010 :-)
My pre-amp (Sonographe SC2 and Amp (Counterpoint SA12) and speakers (Cabasse Galiotes). My turntable (Rega P3) is getting there....
Everything but the CD Player and the Turntable.

10 Years Ago, the CD Player was a Pioneer Elite PD-65, today, it is an Oppo Digital BDP-95 Universal Player.

There was no Turntable 10 Years Ago. Today my Turntable Rig consists of a Thorens TD-160 (1971)/Jelco SA-750D/Sumiko BPS EVOIII. And it is plugged into a PS Audio GCPH Phono Preamplifier.

Otherwise, Preamplifier (Adcom GFP-750), and Power Amplifier (Adcom GFA-545 MkII) are pushing close to 20 Years Old, and my Speaker System (KEF Reference 102 w/KUBE) is almost 30, and that whole rig is STILL rocking!!

FM Tuner too. My Magnum Dynalab FT-101 is 32 Years Old.

What’s in your system today that you also had 10 years ago?

Impedance matched Passive preamp 10, 20, 30 40 years ago 

Cheers George  
   B&W dm303 speakers with B&W asw300 sub still here.
   Replaced Hafler dh100 pre with Modwright 9.0 swl ss rectified
   just about a month ago.
   Replaced Hafler dh220 with McCormack DNA1  two years ago.
   These proved to be great upgrades....both bought here on Agon.
    Amp from TMR,and Modwright from a great guy here also
    who endured my lengthy emails and was very helpful and sent
    me a pre amp in pristine condition.
    Monster ic's have also survived.....by default but I'm not                 complaining .
     Have a Pink Triangle tt with Fidelity Research arm sitting on
sidelines for awhile now....Yamaha cdp to Harman Kardon cdp to 
Eastern Electric cdp. One of these days ...will get the Pink back
up and get to listen to records again...maybe.

Conrad Johnson Premier 12 tube monoblock amps, 140W/side.
I've had them since the late 90's (as I remember).

Possibly my best purchase.  I love tubes, but needed some that would drive a large variety of speakers (as I switch speakers pretty often).   The CJs have driven every single speaker design I've had, of many different designs (including my MBL Omni monitors - very low efficiency) with exceptional control, punch, delicacy and gorgeous tonality. 
I don't think I'll be giving them up soon.
I have had my Conrad Johnson PV-10 and Denon DRS-810 from 1994. I got the Sony TA-N90ES in 1998, Pioneer PDR-05 CD Recorder, Energy Veritas 1.8 and Parasound HCA-1500A in 2000. All are still working good without any issues so far.
conrad johnson premier 14 preamp

Classe CA 200

Meridian 200 transport/263 DAC

I listen to 99% vinyl now but still have the digi hooked up.  Have changed analog several times and of course cables like a revoving door,  until now for a good while.

still enjoy my Sota saphire vacuum turntable with SME IV arm, my pioneer elite PD65 CD Player (in my office) and my Martin Logan Monolith III speakers which I now use with a Krell KBX balanced crossover.  replaced the panels on the Monoliths in 2006 and they are still going strong.  Also have my modified Bedini 250/250 MK II amp as the backup amp.


McIntosh MR77 and Revox A77 tape deck.  I bought both of them new in the 70's.  I sent the Mac back to McIntosh about 10 years ago and had it refurbed, probably be good for another 20 years.

Vintage 1976 Sony PS4300 TT, been in every system I have owned since then. Still in mint condition and plays like new. Never gave any problems other than worn out stylus and cartriges. There may be better out there but not that old and cost effective. 

I would like to update an earlier post with a bit more info.
Two new things that i have added is logitech squeezbox touch & some chord clearway speaker cables.
my brother had an sme arm it had a piece of wire with a weight dangling from it ,that was over 40 years ago .I was a teen then with a tin box I remember he paid about £40 for the arm I think, with a deck he bought in bits and  assembled it himself ,I used get on his nerves saying my box sounded better.

That's funny.  Time just keep marching on.  I was thinking about upgrading to a SME V arm, but what I have read tells me that there really isn't a great (justifiable) reason to upgrade the arm.  My IV arm is quite nice.


https://forum.audiogon.com/users/audioamy@audioamy, the Oppo DV-980 H is so cool! But I bought mine used in 2015. Still have it even though I got a BDP-95.
The only components I still have older that 10 years are my late '80s Thiel CS3 speakers and later adding the Thiel center and rear speakers for home theater.  The CS3s were my first audiophile speakers for 2 channel driven by McIntosh separates.  All new stuff now for my 2 channel rig, but to quote at least one other post, I still have my equipment racks.
Classe' Audio Model Four Preamp
Classe' Audio Model Seventy Amp

Probably closer to 25 years.
Oracle Mk IV, SME 345 and  Benz LOMC, no desire to spend more at this point, this combo works just fine. I do have a few backup cartridges. I prefer the Benz.