Thanks everyone.
I plan to pursue the TT upgrade route. Not sure what I'll get, doing the research now. My rub is I have a pair of speakers I'm trying to sell, and I'm thinking about trading to TMR, but I feel their available products is a bit thin.
Streaming isn't really an option, we don't have high speed internet available where I live. I do have an acrylic S10 and when I tried to set up wifi and qobuz it struggled to buffer. could be something I can work around. it may also be my distance to the wifi signal.
I have a huge collection of LPs and CDs. My father passed about 10 years ago, I have all of his LPs, there's some real gems in there.
I've also thought about doing an overhaul of cables. And, I do plan to re-tube the ARC when it gets closer to 2K hours (at about 1100 or so now), and I'll probably put different pre amp tubes in the BHK at the same time.
Thanks again!