What's the best Blu-Ray player for 300.-350.

I just bought a Pioneer Kuros PDP-5020 and need to squeek a Blu-Ray player out of the budget. I'm thinking around 300. to 350. for now. Anyone with any suggestions on the most bang for the buck? Thanks
Thanks for all of your responses guys, they all have been informative making my decision on which units to look at quite easy. Undertow, I appreciate the link to your past discussion on this subject which will eliminate a ton of leg work on my part.
Based on my needs and audio gear it looks like the Sony 550 is the one to look at since the Panasonics have all dried up in the stores locally and have become quite evasive. I can't really see waiting for the Oppo to hit the market since I mainly watch movies during the winter months and we can only wait to see if it will live up to it's expectations when released for production.
Again thanks for the solid info, now I can go out and make a choice that will best suite my A/V needs.
Panasonics dried up because they are discontinued! CES has the new versions like the BD 45 and 65 or something like that... The sony is far superior trust me, and very affordable, with future update ability so don't worry too much.. And the nice thing is you can get a S550 at the local Target, best buy or anywhere really to just try it out vs. many other models, and if you did not like it for some reason return it no questions asked, however you will of course get a far better deal online, but you can lose shipping it back and forth.

Good Luck
Problem with the PS3 is that it is not a very good transport for audio uses, and most want much smaller conventional audio/video components for their rack and hi end systems.. The S550 is essentially a PS3, but actually far better transport, and actually a better picture and audio options along with COAX & Toslink digital output etc... Which is far more universal for our needs. Also remember that the dedicated audio circuits in these units are quite a bit better than a PS3.

The S550 & S350 are the first machines that sony has produced that is in fact a notch better than PS3 in the Blu ray field, this is pretty well known and reviewed elsewhere. And in this case actually it is to be found cheaper than even PS3 finally..
I believe that the Sony S550 lacks the special functions that most DVD players have .
Like slow motion, frame by frame,advance etc.
Can anyone confirm this ?