What's the best pre-amp to use with the Acurus

What's the best sounding pre-amp to use with the Acurus A250 power amplifier?
I had an Acurus A250 for years...a great amp even though I used it with a mediocre Adcom preamp. I did borrow an Acurus L10 preamp (from the dealer) for a while and it sounded amazing although I couldn't afford it for some reason. I think the Acurus preamps do look cool though...and they're inexpensive.
A tube preamp sounds amazing with the otherwise slightly clinical sound of the Acurus.
I really can't recall, but I seem to remember the Acurus as having a rather a rather low input impedance. Finding a compatible tube pre might be a challenge.
I remember the Acurus amp as having bass capabilities way beyond it's price point, unfortunately I also remember the upper end being dry and chalky.
If you can find a tube pre that has an appropriate output impedance, I think that might be the way to go.