The main reason for a battery power preamp is to avoid any type of contamination that occurs with ac power. I'm sure you have noticed all of the different types of line conditioners and power cords that are on the market. With batteries, you avoid all of that. Also, the preamp runs on DC which eliminates the need to rectify.
Your comment about improved prat with a battery preamp is very interesting. If anything, I would have thought it would be the opposite. If that's the case, I might try one myself.
The main reason for a battery power preamp is to avoid any type of contamination that occurs with ac power. I'm sure you have noticed all of the different types of line conditioners and power cords that are on the market. With batteries, you avoid all of that. Also, the preamp runs on DC which eliminates the need to rectify.
Your comment about improved prat with a battery preamp is very interesting. If anything, I would have thought it would be the opposite. If that's the case, I might try one myself.