What’s the most underrated used Audio Research gear?

Sure, everyone loves the SP-8, SP-10, etc., but what about the sleeper ARC gear that’s still a good deal used? Recently got a used SP-17 and love everything about it for the price, but it got no love from either the press or the boards. 

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Maybe not sleeper, but I always thought the “SE” versions of stock ARC components were meaningful (but pricey) upgrades and when bought used you get the upgraded versions at a very nice discount.  Kinda like when you buy used SMcAudio-upgraded McCormack amps — quite the bargain I think.

The D200 and D300 SS amplifiers still sound great even today. The SP-11 with its SS power supply was another exceptional unit.

I agree with Roxy.  Although the 100.2 was probably not underrated (try to find anything bad said about it, it’s all raves…), for the price, especially used, it’s a fantastic amplifier.  ARC should do what other companies have been doing and come out with retro products, like the 100.2 or the LS2B.  Sell them for $5000 or less to fill in that gap in their product line, they would sell like hotcakes and get more people into the line.  

The SP9 II & III were very good preamps that don't get mentioned often enough. Also the SP6 was great piece.