What's under YOUR CD player?

Will I really improve the sound from my Ikemi CD player by putting something under it, other than the walnut shelf it sits on inside my antique hutch stereo cabinet?

Will upgrading the power cord to a PS minilab cable help also?

Or, should I just play the music?

(it's fun though, isn't it!)
4 Walker tuning discs on top, Walker Ultimate Valid points underneath 1 in front 2 in back, and that all sits on a Sounds of Silence Vibraplane.
To decouple or couple? That is the question. You cannot mix the two. Well, you can, but you're killing your road to happy coupling...I'm a coupler, and have been happy ever since...It's doable...total isolation isn't. Never! Happy listening.
Nordost pulsar points which rest atop of Yamamura Art-Q Dampers. This has netted very interesting results...sonically speaking. Works OK for me anyway.
Meridian 508.24 CDP, on top of SoundSpikes, on top of Black Diamond "The Shelf," on top of Atlantic Reference rack with spikes under each shelf and SoundSpikes for the rack's feet and filled with Fijian sand.
CDP sets on Aurios 1.2 with bearing on top. Use Mapleshade brass heavyhats for tuning top of CDP.

Still toying with the idea of floating entire audio rack on top of Aurios.

The Sistrum approach is interesting giving you in effect a two pointed cone. Several companies are catching on now and offering the triple point cone to reduce surface contact.

I do own some large triple point brass cones and they work very well.