What's up with lousy bass on classic rock recordings?

Few examples: ACDC Back In Black, Van Halen 1, Boston (1), WHO's Next, Def Leopard Pyromania. 

The low end is almost non-existent. Digital and vinyl. 

It's not my system, I listen to a lot of jazz, other classics like Janis Ian Breaking Silence - bass is rich, full, has slam when appropriate.

Compression? Or were the low frequencies never there? Pretty disappointing. 


I listen to rock to and I do agree with how the recording sound but keep in mind the nature of rock music does emphasize much in midrange frequency where our hearing our more sensitive.  Keep that in mind. 

Did some quick testing using Running with the Devil:

  • Qobuz only (dont have vinyl)
  • Remastered HR version and "Digital 45" CD

D45 was a bit better, both with and without 80Hz sub-pass on, adding gain and volume to subs (separately). Still just OK

and Baba O’Reilly.

  • Qobuz HR and vinyl (2015 reissue)

Vinyl was a bit better bass-wise, filter/gain adjustments as above, still just OK.

Live at Leads (Qobuz) - similar.

My conclusions...

  • maybe the lower sub-bass frequencies that really fill/pressurize the room simply are not there
  • could be the vinyl (I may try and find a couple of original pressings)
  • could be the streaming files (not much I can do about that - other than get a better streamer which is on the roadmap)
  • could be the speaker/sub combo - I’ve often toyed with the idea of getting a second set of full-range "rock" speakers - for example I’ve heard some vintage Tannoy’s with the 12" dual-concentric that sounded pretty amazing - or maybe some JBLs.

EDIT: other examples why I don't think it's my system - MOFI recordings of Truth, Dire Straits (debut) and DSOTM - all awesome.

It just so happens I was listening to Who's Next this week via Qobuz. I loved the balanced mix of the remaster. Keith Moon's drums killed. And there was enough separation to hear Entwistle's bass.

@lowrider57 Looks like you have a nice system - I don't disagree with you - in hind-sight "lousy" bass was a poor choice of words. 

What's missing is deep, lush bass that I've come to really enjoy that is present in many other rock recordings (and other genres of course).