What’s your vote for the most ridiculous, overpriced, and useless tweak?

My vote: Furutech Outlet Cover 105 NCF $220, with “special crystalline material that has two “active” properties.” https://www.thecableco.com/outlet-cover-105-ncf.html

I connect the second Shumann generator,the small usb one, with a thin ( like a hair) copper used and useless telephone cable to my stones grid …. the result is like with my first S.G. now more dynamic,more clarity, better imaging...I am in heaven with my music...

My experiment is proof for me of the value of this tweak: Schumann Generator is a must,but without control of vibration, without the stones, the antenna, the connection with a cable to the other connected stones, the result would be good ,audible but not spectacular for me....For the price paid nothing compared, it is like probably buying a very costly and TOTL piece of gear, it is what I think of all that....My best to you...

You may eliminate S.G. of the costly, ridiculous and useless tweaks list...
If someone speak about a useless, ridiculous, costly tweak, I presume he purchase it and try it....

If not, then it is only children’s gossip in a schoolyard ... If you think it is not that, what is the value of an "opinion" about something you dont know, neither use, nor try ?

Useful or useless tweaks are an interesting and useful matter for reflexion.... Ridiculous and costly are way too relative and subjective opinions, and completely useless opinion without experiment and experience...

I apologize to the OP of this thread ,I only give my opinion, and I thank the OP because it is an interesting  thread where to debate and fun  to read...But I will wait for a more serious thread about useful or useless tweaks...
OK, here’s a “ridiculous tweak” you might not have heard of. You know those drain pipes on the outside of buildings that channel rain overflow to the ground? Every building usually has at least three or four. Well, here’s the tweak. Buy a pack of 14” long black cable ties at Home Depot or eBay or wherever. Wrap one black cable tie around the bottom section of each drain pipe, one foot from the bottom. If a drain pipe circumference is very large connect two cable ties together for each drain pipe.
Actually geoff I have tried that and have found the white ones are better as they make the the water sound more liquid as it leaves the downspout into the drain. No more nasty downspout chatter.


I think the real trick is to get all those walkman wires corrected for direction. And don't forget reversing the numerous circuit traces on the circuit board. Why there's a cornucopia of tweaks right there.