I never watch a movie because it has good special effects (like I did in the old days) but because it is a good movie with a good plot a good script and good acting. But I can only imagine, however, how much more I would like some of my favorite movies on a HT.
Yes they've got to have more than just special effects, even the very best - 2001, Mad Max 2 etc.
Otherwise like so many of the blockbuster Marvel/DC films, they are so easily forgettable afterwards. Spider-Man 2 and The Dark Knight were good, but I can't see myself in a hurry to watch them again. I have the DVDs but they've remained undisturbed in the cupboard for years.
Recently I've been watching some Robert Mitchum films and I was surprised to find I haven't seen a bad one yet! Even the later ones such as Farewell My Lovely and The Big Sleep were excellent.
I also remember one demo where they were using an helicopter scene out of one of the James Bond movies, I think Pierce Brosnan, to show off the system, subwoofers and all. If I remember correctly they even had some special chairs that would shake during the action sequences.
It was all very dramatic but my main thought was to get out of the room asap. Sometimes you don't want that much fake realism, you don't need that much fake realism.
Too much crash bang wallop.